Thursday, September 16, 2010

Adult Community Computer Classes are a hit!

The computer classes are proving to be a valuable outlet for a number of Kelvin Grove residents. We are delighted to see our residents expanding their computing skills from week to week. Just recently we distributed a easy-to-use computing manual for residents to refer to for some of the common queries computer users often have. The topics covered range from :

  • What is Twitter?
  • Why would I use Facebook?
  • How do I set up a Gmail account?
  • How can I scan my computer for viruses?
  • What is an internet browser and what are the different types?

Class participants find these manuals to be a great resource, they can work through the book in any manner which suits them along with scribbling notes in their own language, meaning when they refer back to their notes later on they will have more chance of remembering.

The classes attract those aged from 3 years old (obviously not adults, but they come along and play while their parent/s learn) to just this week we had a gentleman in his late 80’s wanting to watch dancing videos on YouTube.

If you are interested in attending the weekly computer class at The Exchange in Kelvin Grove, please phone our helpful team on 07 3175 9975 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 07 3175 9975 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to register your interest.

Happy computing community!!

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